Installing → Installation Guides → RPM Installation Guide

Install Prerequisites

See the Software Requirements for details.

Install the RPM

# dnf install xdmod-10.5.0-1.0.el8.noarch.rpm

Configure Open XDMoD

Be sure MySQL is running before using the setup command.

# xdmod-setup

See the Configuration Guide for more details.

Shred Data

Depending on which resource manager you use, your accounting logs may be stored in a single file, a directory containing multiple files or in a database that is queried using a specific command. Each of these is handled with different options in Open XDMoD.

See the Shredder Guide and the resource manager notes for more details.

PBS stores its accounting logs in a directory where the name of each file corresponds to the end date of the jobs it contains. A directory such as this can be specified using the -d option:

$ xdmod-shredder -v -r *resource* -f pbs \
      -d /var/spool/pbs/server_priv/accounting

SGE stores its accounting logs in a single file so the -i (input) option should be used:

$ xdmod-shredder -v -r *resource* -f sge \
      -i /var/lib/gridengine/default/common/accounting

Slurm stores its accounting logs in a database that can be queried using the sacct command. Since the accounting data is not directly accessible in files Open XDMoD provides a helper script that writes the data to a file and then shreds that file:

$ xdmod-slurm-helper -v -r *resource*

The resource name here must match the one supplied to the setup script.

NOTE: This command only works if Open XDMoD is on a machine with the sacct command or if you have configured your portal_settings.ini file with a command that accepts the same arguments as sacct (such as using ssh with a public key to run the command on another machine).

Ingest Data

See the Ingestor Guide for more details.

Reload Apache

# systemctl reload httpd.service

Now you should be able to view the Open XDMoD portal at the URL used during the configuration process.