Installing → Upgrade Guide

General Upgrade Notes

  • Open XDMoD only supports upgrading to a new version from the version that directly precedes it unless otherwise noted below. If you need to upgrade from an older version you must upgrade through all the intermediate versions or perform a clean installation.
  • Make a backup of your Open XDMoD configuration files before running the upgrade script. The upgrade script may overwrite your current configuration files.
  • If the upgrade includes database schema changes (see notes at the bottom of this page), you should backup all your data.
  • Do not change the version in portal_settings.ini before running the upgrade script. The version number will be changed by the upgrade script.
  • If you have installed any additional Open XDMoD packages (e.g. xdmod-appkernels, xdmod-supremm, or xdmod-ondemand), upgrade those to the latest version before running xdmod-upgrade.

RPM Upgrade Process

!!! XDMoD 11.0 Upgrade Process Changes !!!

XDMoD 11.0 no longer supports the obsolete Centos 7 OS. XDMoD 11.0 is supported on Rocky 8 with the PHP version 7.4 that is supported until May 2029.

We support the following upgrade paths:

  • XDMoD 10.5 on Centos 7 to XDMoD 11.0 on Rocky 8
  • XDMoD 10.5 on Rocky 8, PHP 7.2 to XDMoD 11.0 on Rocky 8, PHP 7.4

If you run into any problems during your upgrade process, please submit a ticket to and we will do our best to help.

Server: EL7, XDMoD: 10.5, PHP: 5.4, MySQL or MariaDB 5.5

If you are using CentOS 7 and will upgrade to XDMoD 11.0 on Rocky or Alma 8, please follow the steps below.

At the end of this process you should expect to have a working XDMoD 10.5.0 installation on a Rocky 8 server that contains all of your current data. After which you can then follow the upgrade procedure that immediately follows this section which starts at Server: EL8, XDMoD: 10.5, PHP: 7.2.

  1. Install a fresh copy of XDMoD 10.5 on a new Rocky 8 server
    1. Instead of running xdmod-setup do steps 2 & 3 below.
  2. Copy the contents of /etc/xdmod (or if you have a source install the contents of /path/to/your/xdmod/etc/) from the CentOS 7 server to the Rocky 8 server.
    1. NOTE:If the database host has changed then on the Rocky 8 Server, update the host = entries in /etc/xdmod/portal_settings.ini to reflect this.
  3. Export the database from the CentOS 7 installation and transfer the files to the Rocky 8 server.
    1. For example, mysqldump --databases mod_hpcdb mod_logger moddb modw modw_aggregates modw_cloud modw_filters > backup.sql
      1. To make the process of importing the data less error-prone, please update the following sed snippet with your installations MySQL user (`user`@`host`) and run it against the dumped sql file(s). sed -i 's|DEFINER=`xdmod`@`localhost`||g' backup.sql
  4. Import the CentOS 7 exported database files into the Rocky 8 server’s database.
    1. mysql < backup.sql
  5. NOTE: MariaDB / MySQL users are defined as 'username'@'hostname' so if the hostname of the new Rocky 8 web server is different than the hostname of the old CentOS 7 web server, you will need to make sure that this change is reflected in the database.
    1. Run the following from an account that has db admin privileges to ensure the XDMoD user is correct: mysql -e "UPDATE mysql.user SET Host = '<insert new XDMoD web server hostname here>' WHERE username = 'xdmod';"
  6. Restart the web server / database on the Rocky 8 server and confirm that everything is working as expected.
  7. Next, follow the upgrade process detailed below on the Rocky 8 Server.

Server: EL8, XDMoD: 10.5, PHP: 7.2, MariaDB 10.3

If you have XDMoD 10.5 installed on Rocky 8 then please follow the steps below:

Update the PHP module to 7.4

$ dnf module -y reset php
$ dnf module -y enable php:7.4

Install PHP 7.4 and some require pre-reqs for PHP Pear packages

$ dnf install -y php make libzip-devel php-pear php-devel

Some Notes:

  • If you run the above command and dnf tells you that the packages are already installed, double-check the contents of /etc/dnf/dnf.conf if best=False is present then change it to best=True. Re-run the command above, and it should now find / install the 7.4 version of the packages.
  • You may also see some PHP: Warning messages during this process, specifically:
    PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '' (tried: /usr/lib64/php/modules/ (/usr/lib64/php/modules/ undefined symbol: _zval_ptr_dtor), /usr/lib64/php/modules/ (/usr/lib64/php/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)) in Unknown on line 0

    Not to worry, this will be resolved by the next step

Install the mongodb PHP Pear package

$ yes '' | pecl install mongodb-1.18.1

You may now continue with the standard upgrade steps below.

Download Latest Open XDMoD RPM package

Download available at GitHub.

Install the RPM

# dnf install xdmod-11.0.0-1.0.el8.noarch.rpm

Likewise, install the latest xdmod-appkernels, xdmod-supremm, and/or xdmod-ondemand RPM files if you have those modules installed.

After upgrading the package you may need to manually merge any files that you have manually changed before the upgrade. You do not need to merge portal_settings.ini. This file will be updated by the upgrade script. If you have manually edited this file, you should create a backup and merge any changes after running the upgrade script.

Verify Server Configuration Settings

Double check that the MySQL server configuration settings are consistent with the recommended values listed in the Configuration Guide.

Upgrade Database Schema and Config Files

# xdmod-upgrade

Source Package Upgrade Process

This example assumes that your previous version of Open XDMoD is installed at /opt/xdmod-10.5.0 and the new version of Open XDMoD will be installed at /opt/xdmod-11.0.0. It is recommended to install the new version of Open XDMoD in a different directory than your existing version.

Download Latest Open XDMoD Source Package

Download available at GitHub.

Extract and Install Source Package

# tar zxvf xdmod-11.0.0.tar.gz
# cd xdmod-11.0.0
# ./install --prefix=/opt/xdmod-11.0.0

Likewise, install the latest xdmod-appkernels or xdmod-supremm tarballs if you have those installed.

Copy Current Config Files

# cp /opt/xdmod-10.5.0/etc/portal_settings.ini /opt/xdmod-11.0.0/etc
# cp /opt/xdmod-10.5.0/etc/hierarchy.json      /opt/xdmod-11.0.0/etc
# cp /opt/xdmod-10.5.0/etc/organization.json   /opt/xdmod-11.0.0/etc
# cp /opt/xdmod-10.5.0/etc/resource_specs.json /opt/xdmod-11.0.0/etc
# cp /opt/xdmod-10.5.0/etc/resources.json      /opt/xdmod-11.0.0/etc
# cp /opt/xdmod-10.5.0/etc/update_check.json   /opt/xdmod-11.0.0/etc

If you have manually changed (i.e. not using xdmod-setup) any of the other config files you may need to merge your changes into the new config files. You should diff the config files to see what has changed in the new version. You do not need to merge portal_settings.ini. This file will be updated by the upgrade script. If you have manually edited this file, you should create a backup and merge any changes after running the upgrade script.

Verify Server Configuration Settings

Double check that the MySQL server configuration settings are consistent with the recommended values listed in the Configuration Guide.

Upgrade Database Schema and Config Files

# /opt/xdmod-11.0.0/bin/xdmod-upgrade

Additional 11.0.0 Upgrade Notes

Open XDMoD 11.0.0 is a major release that includes new features along with many enhancements and bug fixes.

Open XDMoD is now no longer bundled with libraries that have license restrictions for commercial or government use. The charting library used in Open XDMoD has changed from Highcharts to Plotly JS, an open source library. Please refer to the license notices for more information about the open source licenses bundled with Open XDMoD. For more information please refer to release notes for Open XDMoD 11.0 or under the “Release Notes” in the “About” tab in the XDMoD portal.

After the upgrade, users wishing to use the xdmod-data Python package to retrieve data from your Open XDMoD installation will need xdmod-data version 1.0.1 or greater. To upgrade the Python package to the latest version, users can run pip install --upgrade xdmod-data.

Configuration File Changes


For the Data Analytics Framework, the REST endpoint for retrieving raw data will now stream all the data as a JSON text sequence rather than returning a single JSON object that had a certain limited number of rows (default 10,000) configured by the rest_raw_row_limit setting. This setting is no longer needed, so it will be removed during the upgrade.

The user manual is now built using the Python Sphinx library, which makes the user_manual setting no longer needed, so it will be removed during the upgrade.

resources.json and resource_specs.json

New fields have been added to the resources.json and resource_specs.json files to support the new Resource Specifications realm.

The resources.json file includes a new field resource_allocation_type. The resource_allocation_type field indicates how this resource is allocated to users, such as by CPU, GPU or Node. The upgrade process will default this value to CPU. After the upgrade process is complete, you can change this value to another acceptable value. The list of acceptable values is listed in the Configuration Guide.

The resource_specs.json file adds new fields to specify information about GPUs included in a system. Below is an example of the new format, which includes the new GPU fields.

        "resource": "resource1",
        "start_date": "2016-12-27",
        "cpu_node_count": 400,
        "cpu_processor_count": 4000,
        "cpu_ppn": 10,
        "gpu_node_count": 0,
        "gpu_processor_count": 0,
        "gpu_ppn": 0,
        "end_date": "2017-12-01"

The values for the GPU fields will default to 0 during the upgrade process. After the upgrade process, you can edit this file to include more accurate GPU information.

If you have multiple entries for a resource, please make sure the start_date and end_date for each entry are accurate. Also note that if a resource has multiple entries, you may omit the end_date from the last entry. The first entry for each resource needs a start_date; if you have not provided one, one will be automatically set based on the earliest database fact for the resource (e.g., earliest submitted job, earliest cloud VM start time, earliest storage entry start date, etc.). See the Configuration Guide for more information.

After editing either the resources.json or resource_specs.json file, xdmod-ingestor should be run to make sure the new information is ingested into Open XDMoD.

Other configuration files

During the upgrade, various configuration files are updated in datawarehouse.d, etl, and rawstatistics.d.

Database Changes

During the upgrade, the following changes will be made to database tables.


  • A table will be added for staging_resource_allocation_type and populated with data from the resource_allocation_types.json configuration file.
  • The staging_resource_config table will have a column added for resource_allocation_type_abbrev and will be populated with data from the resources.json configuration file.
  • The staging_resource_spec table will have the following columns renamed:
    • nodescpu_node_count
    • processorscpu_processor_count
    • ppncpu_processor_count_per_node
  • The staging_resource_spec table will have the following columns added:
    • gpu_node_count
    • gpu_processor_count
    • gpu_processor_count_per_node
    • su_available_per_day
    • normalization_factor
  • The staging_resource_type_realms table will have its realm column changed from type varchar(16) to varchar(255).


The following tables will be changed and populated with data from mod_shredder:

  • The hpcdb_resource_allocated table will have its idx_resource index updated to add the start_date_ts column and to be a unique index.
  • The hpcdb_resource_allocation_types table will be created.
  • The hpcdb_resource_specs table will have the following columns renamed:
    • node_countcpu_node_count
    • cpu_countcpu_processor_count
    • cpu_count_per_nodecpu_processor_count_per_node
  • The hpcdb_resource_specs table will have the following columns added:
    • gpu_node_count
    • gpu_processor_count
    • gpu_processor_count_per_node
    • su_available_per_day
    • normalization_factor
  • The hpcdb_resources table will have a column added for resource_allocation_type_id.


The following tables will be changed and populated with data from mod_hpcdb:

  • A table will be created for resource_allocation_type.
  • The resource_allocated table will have columns added for start_day_id and end_day_id.
  • The resourcefact table will have a column added for resource_allocation_type_id.
  • The resourcespecs table will have the following columns renamed:
    • processorscpu_processor_count
    • q_nodescpu_node_count
    • q_ppncpu_processor_count_per_node
  • The resourcespecs table will have the following columns added:
    • resourcespec_id
    • start_day_id
    • end_day_id
    • gpu_processor_count
    • gpu_node_count
    • gpu_processor_count_per_node
    • su_available_per_day
    • su_available_per_day
    • last_modified
  • The resourcespecs table will have a unique index added containing resourcespec_id.


  • New tables will be created and populated with data from modw:
    • resourcespecsfact_by_day
    • resourcespecsfact_by_month
    • resourcespecsfact_by_quarter
    • resourcespecsfact_by_year
    • resourcespecsfact_by_day_resourcespecslist


  • Charts in ReportTemplateCharts will have their titles updated to say CPU Utilization instead of just Utilization.


  • The modw_cloud.instance_type_union table will have the default value for the instance_type_id column set to NULL.