About → License Notices
Open XDMoD is bundled with several other open source software libraries.
Open Source Licenses
The following libraries are licensed using OSI-approved licenses except where denoted. These software products are free for commercial use.
- Ext JS, which is available under the GPL 3.0.
- Zend Framework 1.12.0, which is available under the New BSD License.
- jQuery, which is available under the MIT License.
- youmightnotneedjquery, which is available under the MIT License.
- RSVP.js, which is available under the MIT License.
- Silex, which is available under the MIT License.
- SimpleSAMLphp, which is available under the LGPL 2.1.
- PHP OpenID, which is available under the Apache License Version 2.0.
- PHP SQL Parser, which is available under the New BSD License.
- PHP Word, which is available under the LGPL 3.0,
- JSON Schema for PHP, which is available under the MIT License.
- Symfony Process Component, which is available under the MIT License.
- *Farm-Fresh Web Icons, which is available under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
- Ext.ux.Printer, which is available under the MIT License.
- Ext.ux.MessageWindow, which is available under the LGPL 3.0.
- PasswordStrengthMeter.js, which is available under the MIT License.
- number-functions.js, which is available under the LGPL 2.1.
- console-polyfill, which is available under the MIT License.
- reCAPTCHA PHP Library, which is available under the MIT License.
- *Ext.ux.form.GroupComboBox, which is available under a “BSD” license (it is not clear which BSD license is being referred to).
- composer/installers, which is available under the MIT License.
- composer/ca-bundle, which is available under the MIT License.
- EmailValidator, which is available under the MIT License.
- PDOOCI, which is available under the GPL 2.0.
- async, which is available under the MIT License.
- bignumber.js, which is available under the MIT License.
- bson, which is available under the Apache License Version 2.0.
- *cloneextend, which is available for any use.
- color-convert, which is available under the MIT License.
- color-name, which is available under the MIT License.
- color-string, which is available under the MIT License.
- color, which is available under the MIT License.
- colornames, which is available under the MIT License.
- colors, which is available under the MIT License.
- colorspace, which is available under the MIT License.
- core-util-is, which is available under the MIT License.
- diagnostics, which is available under the MIT License.
- enabled, which is available under the MIT License.
- env-variable, which is available under the MIT License.
- fast-safe-stringify, which is available under the MIT License.
- fecha, which is available under the MIT License.
- geoip2, which is available under the Apache License Version 2.0.
- maxmind/web-service-common, which is available under the Apache License Version 2.0.
- maxmind-db/reader, which is available under the Apache License Version 2.0.
- inherits, which is available under the ISC License.
- ini, which is available under the MIT License.
- is-arrayish, which is available under the MIT License.
- is-stream, which is available under the MIT License.
- isarray, which is available under the MIT License.
- kassner/log-parser, which is available under the Apache License Version 2.0.
- kuler, which is available under the MIT License.
- lodash, which is available under the MIT License.
- logform, which is available under the MIT License.
- memory-pager, which is available under the MIT License.
- mongodb-core, which is available under the Apache License Version 2.0.
- mongodb, which is available under the Apache License Version 2.0.
- ms, which is available under the MIT License.
- mysql, which is available under the MIT License.
- one-time, which is available under the MIT License.
- process-nextick-args, which is available under the MIT License.
- readable-stream, which is available under the MIT License.
- require-all, which is available under the MIT License.
- require_optional, which is available under the Apache License Version 2.0.
- resolve-from, which is available under the MIT License.
- safe-buffer, which is available under the MIT License.
- saslprep, which is available under the MIT License.
- semver, which is available under the ISC License.
- simple-swizzle, which is available under the MIT License.
- sparse-bitfield, which is available under the MIT License.
- stack-trace, which is available under the MIT License.
- string_decoder, which is available under the MIT License.
- text-hex, which is available under the MIT License.
- triple-beam, which is available under the MIT License.
- tv4, which is available under the MIT License.
- ua-parser/uap-php, which is available under the MIT License.
- util-deprecate, which is available under the MIT License.
- winston-transport, which is available under the MIT License.
- winston, which is available under the MIT License.
- plotly.js, which is available under the MIT License.
* = Not available under an OSI-approved license.