Using → GPU Metrics

Open XDMoD includes support for GPU metrics in the jobs realm starting with version 9.0.0. Specifically, the number of GPUs allocated to each job is tracked and used to calculate the number of GPU hours and to allow grouping by the number of GPUs allocated.

Only Slurm, PBS and Grid Engine are supported at this time.

Please note that if your resource manager is not supported or GPU data is not available/parsable, that Open XDMoD will report zero GPU hours and a GPU count of zero.


The GPU count source for Slurm data is the AllocTRES accounting field taken from sacct output. This field contains the Trackable Resources allocated to the job. The specific resource that is used to determine the GPU count is the Generic Resource identified by gres/gpu.

For example:


This AllocTRES value would indicate that the job was allocated 4 GPUs.


The GPU count source for PBS data is the Resource_List.nodes field in the accounting log files. If a value is specified for gpus then that is used as the number of GPUs per node.

For example:


This would indicate that the job used 4 GPUs (2 GPUs per node * 2 nodes).

Other versions of PBS use Resource_List.ngpus:


This would indicate that the job used 4 GPUs.

Non-Standard PBS GPU data

In addition to the standard way of logging GPUs, two non-standard ways of logging this data are also supported. If the GPU count cannot be determined from Resource_List.nodes then these will be used when present.

If the Resource_List.nodect field specifies a value for gpus then that will be used.

For example:


This would indicate that the job used 4 GPUs (2 GPUs per node * 2 nodes).

If neither of those methods produce a value, then Resource_List.gpu may be used to determine the number of GPUs.

For example:


This would indicate that the job used 2 GPUs.

Grid Engine (UGE)

Univa Grid Engine is the only Grid Engine based product that is confirmed to report GPU count data. If your Grid Engine based product reports GPU data in the same format then it will be interpreted in the same was as described here.

Please report any issues to the email address on our support page.

The GPU count source for UGE is the category field in the accounting log files. If a value is specified for gpu then that is used as the total number of GPUs for the job.

For example:

-l gpu=1

This would indicate that the job used 1 GPU.

Grid Engine accounting logs contain one line per node. If conflicting GPU counts are found in the data for a job then the greatest value will be used for the GPU count.