
Open XDMoD can be integrated with other applications such as Open OnDemand

To enable integration, the Open XDMoD instance must be configured to give explicit permission to the browser. The Open XDMoD application settings to enabled this are described below.

Open XDMoD Settings

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)

To allow CORS a list of domains that are allowed to communicate with Open XDMoD is configured in the domains setting in the cors section of portal_settings.ini.

This setting is a comma separated list where each item matches exactly what is in the Origin header sent by the browser. This includes the schema, host, and non standard ports.


NOTE: This setting can open up Open XDMoD to security risks if used improperly.

Integration Guide

Single Sign-on (SSO) Embedding

Open XDMoD allows for single sign on embedding so that end users do not have to explicitly sign in to XDMoD after they have already signed in to the other integrated application. When SSO is configured with the same IdP XDMoD can be embedded in an iframe at the login endpoint and iusers will be automatically logged in.

When Open XDMoD detects a login within an iframe it will send a postMessage to

The application that is integrating with Open XDMoD should contain a page like the following:

    <title>Open XDMoD Integration</title>
         * This will happen after a user has been confirmed to be logged in to Open XDMoD.
         * Modify this to do what you need.
        function xdmodLoggedIn(){
            var loginStatus = document.createElement('p');
            loginStatus.innerText = 'Open XDMoD user is logged in';
         * Automatically fetch the default Open XDMoD SSO url and initialize the login
         * if the user is not already logged in.
        var xdmodUrl = 'https://{FQDN OF XDMOD INSTANCE}';
        fetch(xdmodUrl + '/rest/v1/users/current', { credentials: 'include' })
            .then((response) => {
                    fetch(xdmodUrl + '/rest/auth/idpredirect?returnTo=%2Fgui%2Fgeneral%2Flogin.php')
                        .then(response => response.json())
                        .then((data) => {
                            var xdmodLogin = document.createElement('iframe');
                             * Do not use display:none or it wont work in Firefox
                   = 'visibility: hidden; position: absolute;left: -1000px';
                            xdmodLogin.src = data;
                else {

        window.addEventListener("message", receiveMessage, false);

        function receiveMessage(event) {
            if (event.origin !== xdmodUrl){
                console.log('Received message from untrusted origin, discarding');
            if( == 'xdmod'){
                if( == 'loginComplete'){
                if( == 'error'){
                    console.log('ERROR: ' +;