Developing → User Dashboard Components

New components can be added to the dashboard as follows:

  1. Create a javascript class that inherits from Ext.ui.Portlet. Conventionally this should be placed in html/gui/js/modules/dashboard
  2. Edit the etc/assets.json file to include the new javascript artifact (and any other artifacts such as css files).
  3. Edit the etc/roles.d/dashboard.json file to add the component information for the roles that should see it.

An example component javascript class is shown below.

 * XDMoD.Module.Dashboard.DeveloperComponent
 * This is an example panel that can be used as a template.


XDMoD.Module.Dashboard.DeveloperComponent = Ext.extend(Ext.ux.Portlet, {

    layout: 'fit',
    autoScroll: true,
    title: 'XDMoD software developer info',
    bbar: {
        items: [{
            text: 'Reset Layout',
            handler: function () {
                    url: XDMoD.REST.url + '/summary/layout',
                    method: 'DELETE'

    initComponent: function () {
        var aspectRatio = 0.8;
        this.height = this.width * aspectRatio;

        this.items = [{
            itemId: 'console',
            html: '<pre>' + JSON.stringify(this.config, null, 4) + '</pre>'

        XDMoD.Module.Dashboard.DeveloperComponent.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);

    listeners: {
         * duration_change event gets fired when the duration settings
         * in the top toolbar are changed by the user or when the refresh
         * button is clicked.
         * A typical component will reload its content with the updated
         * duration parameters.
        duration_change: function (timeframe) {
            var console = this.getComponent('console');
            console.body.insertHtml('beforeBegin', '<pre>' + JSON.stringify(timeframe, null, 4) + '</pre>');

         * the component should refresh itself if the refresh event fires
        refresh: function () {
            var console = this.getComponent('console');
            console.body.insertHtml('beforeBegin', '<pre>refresh event fired</pre>');

 * The Ext.reg call is used to register an xtype for this class so it
 * can be dynamically instantiated
Ext.reg('xdmod-dash-developer-cmp', XDMoD.Modules.Dashboard.DeveloperComponent);

In this example the javascript class would be put in the file html/gui/js/modules/dashboard/DeveloperComponent.js The etc/assets.json would then be updated to add the path to the javascript file to the xdmod.portal.js array.

    "xdmod": {
        "portal": {
            "js": [

Similarly the roles.d/dashboard.json file would be edited to add the component to the roles that will see it. In the example below the component is added to the dashboard tab for the center director role (cd). The type setting should match the xtype string in the Ext.reg call in the javascript. The name setting must be set to a unique value. It is recommended to set this to a human understandable description of the component. The config setting may contain any valid json and is available to the component as the this.config property.

    "roles": {
        "cd": {
            "dashboard_components": [{
                "name": "Example Developer Component",
                "type": "xdmod-dash-developer-cmp",
                "location": {
                    "row": 2,
                    "column": 1
                "config": {
                    "property1": "any valid json",
                    "property2": 3

The default position of the component is specified in the location property. The location setting has two mandatory properties the zero indexed row (row) and zero indexed column (column).