The color palette available to style chart data in Metric Explorer can be edited in the JSON file colors1.json (/etc/xdmod/colors1.json if you installed the RPM or PREFIX/etc/colors1.json if you did a manual install).

The default version of colors1.json (and what is used as a fallback palette if colors1.json is missing or malformed) is shown below

		["FFFFFF"], ["1199FF"], ["DB4230"], ["4E665D"], ["F4A221"], ["66FF00"], ["33ABAB"], ["A88D95"],
		["789ABC"], ["FF99CC"], ["00CCFF"], ["FFBC71"], ["A57E81"], ["8D4DFF"], ["FF6666"], ["CC99FF"],
		["2F7ED8"], ["0D233A"], ["8BBC21"], ["910000"], ["1AADCE"], ["492970"], ["F28F43"], ["77A1E5"],
		["3366FF"], ["FF6600"], ["808000"], ["CC99FF"], ["008080"], ["CC6600"], ["9999FF"], ["99FF99"],
		["969696"], ["FF00FF"], ["FFCC00"], ["666699"], ["00FFFF"], ["00CCFF"], ["993366"], ["3AAAAA"],
		["C0C0C0"], ["FF99CC"], ["FFCC99"], ["CCFFCC"], ["CCFFFF"], ["99CCFF"], ["339966"], ["FF9966"],
		["69BBED"], ["33FF33"], ["6666FF"], ["FF66FF"], ["99ABAB"], ["AB8722"], ["AB6565"], ["990099"],
		["999900"], ["CC3300"], ["669999"], ["993333"], ["339966"], ["C42525"], ["A6C96A"], ["111111"]

To change the colors available, simply edit the hexadecimal codes for any of the swatches in the palette. To add a new color or set of colors, make sure to keep the JSON array rectangular with the same width.

As an example, to add the colors 123456 and 654321 you’d need to pad the table with other colors. In this case, they’re padded with white, which Open XDMoD skips when showing charts.

		["FFFFFF"], ["1199FF"], ["DB4230"], ["4E665D"], ["F4A221"], ["66FF00"], ["33ABAB"], ["A88D95"],
		["789ABC"], ["FF99CC"], ["00CCFF"], ["FFBC71"], ["A57E81"], ["8D4DFF"], ["FF6666"], ["CC99FF"],
		["2F7ED8"], ["0D233A"], ["8BBC21"], ["910000"], ["1AADCE"], ["492970"], ["F28F43"], ["77A1E5"],
		["3366FF"], ["FF6600"], ["808000"], ["CC99FF"], ["008080"], ["CC6600"], ["9999FF"], ["99FF99"],
		["969696"], ["FF00FF"], ["FFCC00"], ["666699"], ["00FFFF"], ["00CCFF"], ["993366"], ["3AAAAA"],
		["C0C0C0"], ["FF99CC"], ["FFCC99"], ["CCFFCC"], ["CCFFFF"], ["99CCFF"], ["339966"], ["FF9966"],
		["69BBED"], ["33FF33"], ["6666FF"], ["FF66FF"], ["99ABAB"], ["AB8722"], ["AB6565"], ["990099"],
		["999900"], ["CC3300"], ["669999"], ["993333"], ["339966"], ["C42525"], ["A6C96A"], ["111111"],
		["123456"], ["654321"], ["FFFFFF"], ["FFFFFF"], ["FFFFFF"], ["FFFFFF"], ["FFFFFF"], ["FFFFFF"]

Charts in Open XDMoD will go sequentially through this list when deciding what colors to color grouped sets within one dataset on a chart. As such, you can create a gradient by defining it sequentially in this list. The following JSON list adds a 8-element “snapshot” of the Viridis color gradient.

		["FFFFFF"], ["1199FF"], ["DB4230"], ["4E665D"], ["F4A221"], ["66FF00"], ["33ABAB"], ["A88D95"],
		["789ABC"], ["FF99CC"], ["00CCFF"], ["FFBC71"], ["A57E81"], ["8D4DFF"], ["FF6666"], ["CC99FF"],
		["2F7ED8"], ["0D233A"], ["8BBC21"], ["910000"], ["1AADCE"], ["492970"], ["F28F43"], ["77A1E5"],
		["3366FF"], ["FF6600"], ["808000"], ["CC99FF"], ["008080"], ["CC6600"], ["9999FF"], ["99FF99"],
		["969696"], ["FF00FF"], ["FFCC00"], ["666699"], ["00FFFF"], ["00CCFF"], ["993366"], ["3AAAAA"],
		["C0C0C0"], ["FF99CC"], ["FFCC99"], ["CCFFCC"], ["CCFFFF"], ["99CCFF"], ["339966"], ["FF9966"],
		["69BBED"], ["33FF33"], ["6666FF"], ["FF66FF"], ["99ABAB"], ["AB8722"], ["AB6565"], ["990099"],
		["FDE725"], ["A0DA39"], ["4AC16D"], ["1FA187"], ["277F8E"], ["365C8D"], ["46327E"], ["440154"]

Open XDMOD indexes the colors based on the first instance of the color found in that list, so any duplicate colors may wreck havoc on group-by coloring. As an example, selecting the first 123456 in the following palette would cause the next two groups in that dataset to be colored AABBCC and CCBBAA. Selecting the second 123456 in the palette would result in the next two groups still being colored AABBCC and CCBBAA.

		["123456"], ["AABBCC"], ["CCBBAA"], ["123456"], ["111111"], ["222222"], ["333333"], ["444444"]

The palette below shows a workaround for this problem in order to add both an 8-element and 10-element Viridis gradient. This is done by nudging the starting point over by a value of 1 in any of the 3 RGB channels. In this example, the starting point of the 8-element gradient is FDE725, and the starting point of the 10-element gradient is FDE726.

		["FFFFFF"], ["1199FF"], ["DB4230"], ["4E665D"], ["F4A221"], ["66FF00"], ["33ABAB"], ["A88D95"],
		["789ABC"], ["FF99CC"], ["00CCFF"], ["FFBC71"], ["A57E81"], ["8D4DFF"], ["FF6666"], ["CC99FF"],
		["2F7ED8"], ["0D233A"], ["8BBC21"], ["910000"], ["1AADCE"], ["492970"], ["F28F43"], ["77A1E5"],
		["3366FF"], ["FF6600"], ["808000"], ["CC99FF"], ["008080"], ["CC6600"], ["9999FF"], ["99FF99"],
		["969696"], ["FF00FF"], ["FFCC00"], ["666699"], ["00FFFF"], ["00CCFF"], ["993366"], ["3AAAAA"],
		["C0C0C0"], ["FF99CC"], ["FFCC99"], ["CCFFCC"], ["CCFFFF"], ["99CCFF"], ["339966"], ["FF9966"],
		["69BBED"], ["33FF33"], ["6666FF"], ["FF66FF"], ["99ABAB"], ["AB8722"], ["AB6565"], ["990099"],
		["FDE725"], ["A0DA39"], ["4AC16D"], ["1FA187"], ["277F8E"], ["365C8D"], ["46327E"], ["440154"],
		["FDE726"], ["B5DE2B"], ["6ECE58"], ["35B779"], ["1F9E89"], ["26828e"], ["31688E"], ["3E4989"],
		["482878"], ["440155"], ["FFFFFF"], ["FFFFFF"], ["FFFFFF"], ["FFFFFF"], ["FFFFFF"], ["FFFFFF"]