Installing → Upgrade Guide

General Upgrade Notes

  • Open XDMoD only supports upgrading to a new version from the version that directly precedes it unless otherwise noted below. If you need to upgrade from an older version you must upgrade through all the intermediate versions or perform a clean installation.
  • Make a backup of your Open XDMoD configuration files before running the upgrade script. The upgrade script may overwrite your current configuration files.
  • If the upgrade includes database schema changes (see notes at the bottom of this page), you should backup all your data.
  • Do not change the version in portal_settings.ini before running the upgrade script. The version number will be changed by the upgrade script.
  • If you have installed any additional Open XDMoD packages (e.g. xdmod-appkernels or xdmod-supremm), upgrade those to the latest version before running xdmod-upgrade.

RPM Upgrade Process

The Open XDMoD 9.0 RPM no longer puts the example Apache configuration into the Apache configuration directory. Instead an example configuration is provided in the /usr/share/xdmod/templates directory. After upgrading the RPM, you will need to manually update your Apache config file following the Apache configuration instructions.

If you have edited the previous Apache config file (/etc/httpd/conf.d/xdmod.conf) then it will be saved in /etc/httpd/conf.d/xdmod.conf.rpmsave. If the Open XDMoD instance was using the original configuration unmodified then the old file will be removed.

Download Latest Open XDMoD RPM package

Download available at GitHub.

Install the RPM

# yum install xdmod-9.0.0-1.0.el7.noarch.rpm

Likewise, install the latest xdmod-appkernels or xdmod-supremm RPM files if you have those installed.

After upgrading the package you may need to manually merge any files that you have manually changed before the upgrade. You do not need to merge portal_settings.ini. This file will be updated by the upgrade script. If you have manually edited this file, you should create a backup and merge any changes after running the upgrade script.

Verify Server Configuration Settings

Double check that the MySQL server configuration settings are consistent with the recommended values listed in the Configuration Guide.

Upgrade Database Schema and Config Files

# xdmod-upgrade

Source Package Upgrade Process

This example assumes that your previous version of Open XDMoD is installed at /opt/xdmod-8.5.0 and the new version of Open XDMoD will be installed at /opt/xdmod-9.0.0. It is recommended to install the new version of Open XDMoD in a different directory than your existing version.

Download Latest Open XDMoD Source Package

Download available at GitHub.

Extract and Install Source Package

$ tar zxvf xdmod-9.0.0.tar.gz
$ cd xdmod-9.0.0
# ./install --prefix=/opt/xdmod-9.0.0

Likewise, install the latest xdmod-appkernels or xdmod-supremm tarballs if you have those installed.

Copy Current Config Files

# cp /opt/xdmod-8.5.0/etc/portal_settings.ini /opt/xdmod-9.0.0/etc
# cp /opt/xdmod-8.5.0/etc/hierarchy.json      /opt/xdmod-9.0.0/etc
# cp /opt/xdmod-8.5.0/etc/organization.json   /opt/xdmod-9.0.0/etc
# cp /opt/xdmod-8.5.0/etc/resource_specs.json /opt/xdmod-9.0.0/etc
# cp /opt/xdmod-8.5.0/etc/resources.json      /opt/xdmod-9.0.0/etc
# cp /opt/xdmod-8.5.0/etc/update_check.json   /opt/xdmod-9.0.0/etc

If you have manually changed (i.e. not using xdmod-setup) any of the other config files you may need to merge your changes into the new config files. You should diff the config files to see what has changed in the new version. You do not need to merge portal_settings.ini. This file will be updated by the upgrade script. If you have manually edited this file, you should create a backup and merge any changes after running the upgrade script.

Verify Server Configuration Settings

Double check that the MySQL server configuration settings are consistent with the recommended values listed in the Configuration Guide.

Upgrade Database Schema and Config Files

# /opt/xdmod-9.0.0/bin/xdmod-upgrade

9.0.0 Upgrade Notes

Open XDMoD 9.0.0 is a major release that includes new features along with many enhancements and bug fixes.

You may upgrade directly from 8.5.0 or 8.5.1.

NOTE: This upgrade contains significant changes to configuration files and database tables. Configuration files will most likely require manual updates. The database upgrade may require hours to complete if your database contains tens of millions of records.

Configuration File Changes

The xdmod-upgrade script will migrate user editable configuration files to the new version, excluding the Apache httpd and logrotate configuration files, which may need to be manually updated.

Apache HTTP Server Configuration

Open XDMoD 9.0.0 no longer copies an Apache configuration file into the Apache configuration directory. Instead an example configuration is provided in the /usr/share/xdmod/templates directory (or PREFIX/share/templates for source installations).

After upgrading, you will need to manually update your Apache configuration file following the Apache configuration instructions.

The Apache access log and error log now use the piped logging feature combined with the Apache rotatelogs program to rotate logs based on the size of the log files to limit the total amount of storage used by these log files. Since these files are no longer rotated by logrotate, any preexisting rotated log files will need to be manually deleted.

Log Rotation Configuration

If the logrotate configuration file was modified and you are now using Apache’s piped logging feature with rotatelogs then you will need to manually remove the section for the Apache log files

GPU Metrics

This is the first version of Open XDMoD that supports GPU metrics in the jobs realm. During the upgrade process there is a prompt where the option is given to re-ingest and re-aggregate job records in the database that may contain GPU data for the Slurm and PBS resource managers.

Since Open XDMoD 6.5 data from the Slurm ReqGRES field has been stored and will be used as the source of GPU data during the upgrade process. Note that newly ingested data will use the AllocTRES field as the primary source of GPU data for Slurm job records, but that field is not available for previously ingested data.

Since Open XDMoD 3.5 data from the PBS Resource_List.nodes field has been stored and will be used as the source of GPU data during the upgrade process.

See the GPU Metrics documentation for more details.

Slurm Input File Format Changes

The input file format for Slurm data has changed to include the AllocTRES field.

The slurm shredder has also been updated to accept jobs in all states and to ignore jobs that have not ended. Due to this change the --state option of the sacct command is no longer recommended. If an unrecognized state is encountered a warning will be generated.

If you are generating Slurm input for the xdmod-shredder command then you will need to make the appropriate changes. Refer to the Slurm Notes for the example sacct command. If you are using the xdmod-slurm-helper command then no changes are necessary.

Database Changes

The xdmod-upgrade script will migrate the database schemas to the new version. Tables may be altered the first time they are used during ingestion or aggregation.

  • The moddb.ReportTemplateACL, moddb.Roles, moddb.UserRoles, and moddb.UserRoleParameters database tables are dropped.

  • Alters moddb.batch_export_requests.

  • Adds indexes to moddb.group_bys and moddb.realms.

  • Alters indexes on: moddb.report_template_acls, moddb.statistics, and moddb.user_acls.

  • Adds tables for the ACL system: moddb.acl_group_bys_staging, moddb.acl_hierarchies_staging, moddb.acl_tabs_staging, moddb.acl_types_staging, moddb.acls_staging, moddb.group_bys_staging, moddb.hierarchies_staging, moddb.modules_staging, moddb.realms_staging, moddb.statistics_staging, moddb.tabs_staging, moddb.user_acl_group_by_parameters_staging, and moddb.user_acls_staging.

  • Alters tables to store GPU data: mod_shredder.shredded_job_slurm, mod_shredder.shredded_job_pbs, mod_shredder.shredded_job, mod_shredder.staging_job, mod_hpcdb.hpcdb_jobs, modw.job_tasks, and aggregate tables in modw_aggregates prefixed with jobfact_by_.

  • New table moddb.gpu_buckets for GPU count ranges used for “Group By GPU Count”.

  • Adds an index to mod_logger.log_table to improve performance of queries used by the administrative dashboard’s “Log Data” tab. If this table contains tens of millions of rows it may take over an hour to add the index. It may be desirable to delete old log data from this table before performing the migration if the data is no longer needed.

Changes to the modw_cloud apply only if the Cloud realm is enabled:

  • Adds new tables: modw_cloud.cloud_resource_specs,, modw_cloud.raw_resource_specs, modw_cloud.staging_pi_to_project, modw_cloud.staging_resource_specifications, modw_cloud.domain_submission_venues, and modw_cloud.domain_submission_venues_staging.

  • Adds aggregate tables prefixed with resourcespecsfact_by_ to modw_aggregates.

  • Alters tables: modw_cloud.session, modw_cloud.raw_event, modw_cloud.staging_event, and modw_cloud.openstack_staging_event.

  • The modw_cloud.account, modw_cloud.instance_type and modw_cloud.instance tables have had their Primary Keys changed to better support the local and global filters in the Metric Explorer.

  • Because of database changes to modw_cloud.account, modw_cloud.instance_type tables any saved charts or reports using the Account or Configuration group by in the Cloud realm should be recreated.