Hierarchy Guide

Open XDMoD supports a three level hierarchy that can be customized and populated with site specific data. Importing this data is a two step process. First, you must import the hierarchy items and then you must import a mapping from groups (PIs) to hierarchy items.

Configuring the Hierarchy

Before importing your data, you can choose how you want the hierarchy levels displayed. You can either use the xdmod-setup script or edit hierarchy.json directly. The contents of that file look like this:

   "top_level_label": "Hierarchy Top Level",
   "top_level_info": "Top level description",
   "middle_level_label": "Hierarchy Middle Level",
   "middle_level_info": "Middle level description",
   "bottom_level_label": "Hierarchy Bottom Level",
   "bottom_level_info": "Bottom level description"

In the example below the top level is “Unit”, the middle level is “Division” and the bottom level is “Department”.

Importing Data

The input format of the hierarchy data is a CSV file where the first column contains the name of the hierarchy item, the second column contains an abbreviation of the first column and the third column contains the parent hierarchy item (leave this column blank for the top level hierarchy items.

For a hierarchy such as this:

Unit 1
├─ Division 1
│  ├─ Department 1
│  └─ Department 2
└─ Division 2
   ├─ Department 3
   └─ Department 4
Unit 2
└─ Division 3
   ├─ Department 5
   └─ Department 6

The input CSV would look like this:

"unit1","Unit 1",""
"unit2","Unit 2",""
"div1","Division 1","unit1"
"div2","Division 2","unit1"
"div3","Division 3","unit2"
"dept1","Department 1","div1"
"dept2","Department 2","div1"
"dept3","Department 3","div2"
"dept4","Department 4","div2"
"dept5","Department 5","div3"
"dept6","Department 6","div3"

And imported with a command like this:

$ xdmod-import-csv -t hierarchy -i hierarchy.csv

After importing the hierarchy it is necessary to provide a mapping from your user groups to the hierarchy items. The input format of this mapping is a CSV file where the first column contains the name of groups used by your resource manager and the second column contains names of items in the bottom most hierarchy level you have imported.

Continuing the example above, for each group a department must be specified:


And imported with a command like this:

$ xdmod-import-csv -t group-to-hierarchy -i group-to-hierarchy.csv

After importing this data you must ingest it for the date range of any job data you have already shredded.

$ xdmod-ingestor --start-date 2012-01-01 --end-date 2012-12-31

Disabling Hierarchy Dimensions

If you do not use the hierarchy feature and do not want those dimensions to be listed in the Usage and Metric Explorer tabs, you can change your configuration files to do so.

The easiest way to do this is to disable the dimensions in roles.json. Remove these entries from the file:

    "realm": "Jobs",
    "group_by": "nsfdirectorate"
    "realm": "Jobs",
    "group_by": "parentscience"
    "realm": "Jobs",
    "group_by": "fieldofscience"

These correspond to the three levels of the hierarchy. The names refer to those used by XSEDE, but the text displayed to overridden by the names in hierarchy.json. The top level is nsfdirectorate, the middle level is parentscience and the bottom level is fieldofscience.