Documentation Conventions

The following conventions are used in the Open XDMoD documentation.

Command Examples

Examples of commands that may be run as an unprivileged user are prefixed with a dollar sign ($). e.g.:

$ xdmod-ingestor -v

Examples of commands that must be run with root privileges are prefixed with a number sign (#). e.g.:

# ./install --prefix=/opt/xdmod

These commands may be run with sudo or su.

Many of the examples commands may assume that the Open XDMoD command line utilities are in your PATH, you will need to adjust these if this is not the case. For example, the following:

# xdmod-setup

Would need to be changed to:

# /opt/xdmod/bin/xdmod-setup

If you installed Open XDMoD in /opt/xdmod.

If you installed the Open XDMoD RPM package, these commands will be placed in /usr/bin which is most likely already in your PATH.

Some command examples include values that must be changed. These values will be surrounded with astericks (*). For example:

$ xdmod-shredder -f *format* -r *resource* -i *input*

You would need to replace *format*, *resource* and *input* with appropriate values.

Examples of incomplete commands will end with three dots (...). You may need to add additional options to these examples to for a working command invocation. For example:

$ xdmod-shredder -f sge ...

This command requires additional options to be useful.

MySQL Examples

Examples of MySQL statements and queries are prefixed with mysql>:

mysql> SELECT * FROM Users;

The database name may be indicated with a use statement:

mysql> use moddb;
mysql> SELECT * FROM Users;

Or the database name may be prefixed to the table used in the query:

mysql> SELECT * FROM moddb.Users;

JSON Examples

Open XDMoD uses the JSON format for several configuration files. See Introducing JSON for details on the JSON format.

Most of the JSON examples included in the Open XDMoD documentation are only fragments. You will need to fill in the missing portions represented by three dots (...). The fragments may also be a single key value pair from an object (e.g. the example below) or a single element of an array.

"summary_charts": [
        "title": "Chart Title",